
Selected Works

Selected Works

2007 – present

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Working Paper:

The beach as a site is referenced by objects, depicted in both the ephemeral and in a physical way, these offer us an avenue into a world of memory – absence and presence.


Mixed media on board.


Uncovered Shards and elements of the old sea wall remain trapped and frozen, isolated and exposed to the prolonged gaze. Weathered forms, crafted by the elements and a long time in the making take.


These paintings evolved from chance encounters with fragments of clothing found in derelict buildings.

Post-ed (Blackpool Vistas Feb ‘07):

These works were created for Blackpool Vistas and explore the internal landscape of a particular place (the comrades club of the Great War) created in mixed media alluding to the notion of “site”.


Collected over many years these tools have been used by my father and the people who worked with him. In some way they become portraits of those men.


The Focus for this series of works is a particular group of buildings, buildings which were about to be demolished. They explore the concept that a building is a Container and like a body, has an Interior landscape and an Exterior landscape.

Diagrams and Propositions:

Scribbling and diagrams discarded by tradesmen have been enlarged, reconstructed, and re-presented as large formal layered paintings.